IBS Technics GmbH - our experience is your advantage
IBS Technics GmbH - our experience is your advantage
IBS Technics headquater in Thierhaupten/Germany
1994 IBS GmbH founded in Thierhaupten. The first spill barriers are put together in a rented garage in Thierhaupten. The sale, part-picking and assembly of these barriers, and of the firm's customised garage doors, all took place from this garage.
From 1995, IBS began developing the flood-defence barriers that have since made its name, thereby creating its market niche. The future core activity of disaster-prevention was now in place.
By 1998, sales were already so high that the firm had to move out its garage. The first production facility was set up in Industriegebiet West, an industrial estate in Thierhaupten, where the company is still based.
The year 1999 marked another milestone in the history of IBS, as a second production facility was established in the Czech town of Rotava. PBS has operated since then as a sister company, providing welding services to the IBS Group as a whole.
In a period of just six years (1998 to 2003) the turnover of IBS grew eightfold to reach almost €7.5 million.
A quantum leap for IBS came in the shape of a major order for movable flood defences for the German city of Cologne. This order, which was worth almost €12 million over four years, was the biggest in the company's history. As a result of this order, the year 2006 saw the turnover of IBS break the €10 million barrier for the first time.
The company IBS Technics GmbH has meanwhile added to its core activity of disaster prevention (mobile flood defence and the retention of spill water) by moving into the areas of water supply and logistics systems on a worldwide scale. Annual turnover currently stands at about €13 million.