Party responsible for contents:
Technics GmbH
Gemeindewald 6
86672 Thierhaupten, Germany
Tel.: +49 8271 - 8176-0
Fax: +49 8271 - 8176-76
E-mail: info(at)
CEO: Volker Weingartner, Rüdiger Voigt
All the information and statements contained in these web pages are non-binding. The company IBS Technics GmbH accepts no liability for the accuracy or completeness of the content supplied. There is likewise no guarantee or assurance regarding the product characteristics described therein. The contents of these web pages cannot form a basis for legal claims of any kind. Any errors that these details are found to contain will be corrected immediately upon detection. The contents of these web pages are re-edited at certain intervals, but are not updated on a permanent basis. Therefore please ask us directly regarding the status, technical specifications and availability for delivery of the products and services concerned. Links to other websites are not permanently monitored. We cannot therefore accept liability of any kind for the content of such linked sites.
Downloading of data and software
The company IBS Technics GmbH offers no guarantees regarding the absence of errors in the data and software made available for download from these web pages. IBS Technics GmbH has subjected the software to virus analysis. We nevertheless recommend that you analyse all data and software with an updated anti-virus program immediately after downloading.
Copyright and other intellectual-property rights
The contents of these web pages are copyright-protected. One copy of the information obtained from our website may be saved to a single computer for personal, non-commercial, internal use. Graphics, texts, logos, images, etc. may only be downloaded, duplicated, copied, edited, published, transferred and/or sent and/or posted elsewhere, in any format whatsoever, with the prior written consent of IBS Technics GmbH. Some or all of the products and company names mentioned may be registered trademarks and/or otherwise subject to intellectual-property protection. Their unauthorised use may result in claims for loss and damage and/or injunctive relief. The photographic material used on this website was produced by IBS Technics GmbH, along with Robert Kneschke, Stephan Karg and Coloures-pic (offered via
Protection of personal data and confidentiality
We cannot guarantee that information or personal data transferred to us will not be “hacked” by third parties in the course of transmission.
IBS Technics GmbH shall not be liable for loss and/or damage, with particular reference but not limited to direct or indirect subsequent loss or damage, loss of data, foregone profits or system/production outages arising from the use of our website and/or the downloading of data from it. This exclusion of liability shall not apply to loss or damage arising from the use of this website which is attributable to misrepresentation or gross negligence. All and any contractual relationships between you and IBS Technics GmbH arising from the use of this website shall be subject to the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany. In the event of any legal dispute with a registered trader arising from the use of this website, legal jurisdiction shall correspond to the courts and tribunals of the registered place of business of IBS Technics GmbH, in Tierhaupten (Germany).
Data protection
IBS Technics GmbH wishes to promote trust among users of the Internet, and therefore applies a policy of transparency to its handling of personally-identifiable data. This section defines the information that we collect, and how we handle it.
Explanations regarding data protection
You can normally access any part of the IBS Technics GmbH website without having to register or identify yourself. If individual features or services do however require the entry of your name, address or other personal details, you will be clearly warned of this in advance. The personally-identifiable usage data that we do collect are applied to making the services of IBS Technics GmbH as easy as possible for you to access, and to help ensure their constant improvement. All and any personally-identifiable data that you might submit to IBS Technics GmbH via the Internet for the purposes of, for example, conducting correspondence or completing an order shall be handled with great care, in full accordance with the strict stipulations of the German federal law on data protection (BDSG). The accessing of the website causes the transfer to IBS Technics GmbH of usage data, which are saved for backup purposes and which might permit a certain level of identification (e.g. IP address, date, time and pages viewed). These data are evaluated by IBS Technics GmbH to analyse user-behaviour and compile statistics. All measures used in this respect conform at all times to the strict security standards of the German teleservices data-protection law (TDDSG) and the data-protection regulations applying to telecommunications companies (TDSV). We do not exploit personally-identifiable data in any way. We do however reserve the right to carry out statistical evaluation of anonymous data-records. For further information on the subject of data-protection in the Federal Republic of Germany, please go to
The forwarding to third parties of personally-identifiable data
If the processing of an order requires the transfer of data to a service provider, the party concerned shall likewise be contractually subject to the BDSG law, and to all and any other legislation that might apply, along with the Privacy Policy of IBS Technics GmbH. If and insofar as IBS Technics GmbH is obliged by law or court decision to reveal your data, these shall be supplied to the authorised body concerned and to the extent required. IBS Technics GmbH will not otherwise supply your data to any third party or parties without first obtaining your express consent to do so.
IBS Technics GmbH will save your data to specially-secured servers located in Germany. Access to these facilities is restricted to a highly-limited number of persons authorised by IBS Technics GmbH to carry out technical, administrative or editorial tasks relating to the servers concerned.
Right of revocation
If you ask IBS Technics GmbH to desist from using your personally-identifiable data for the purposes of further contact and/or ask for such data to be deleted, your instructions will be followed accordingly. Requests to desist from using and/or to delete details shall not apply to data that are required to ensure the completion of an order and/or for administrative purposes. Please note that such revocation will mean that personalised service can no longer be provided, as it depends on the use of customer data.
Use of cookies
Information on each online session will be compiled in a special ASCII-format cookie text file (cookie.txt), and saved to the user’s hard disk. The web-browsing program of the user concerned determines where the cookie is saved. Cookies consist of information that is reported back to the server at the next online visit. They can only be read by the server that originally posted them. IBS Technics GmbH only uses cookies that are absolutely vital for the handling of user information and/or to simplify browsing of the website. This information will not be passed on to any third party or party, as cookies can only be used for the purposes described above. Most web-browser programs are configured by default to accept cookies automatically. You can however disable this browser feature at any time. You can configure your web browser to notify you whenever an attempt is made to send cookies.
Links to other websites
The web pages of IBS Technics GmbH may contain links to other websites. IBS Technics GmbH has no influence over the editorial content of such websites or over the observance, by their owners or operators, of data-protection regulations.
The web pages of IBS Technics GmbH do not normally contain advertising of any kind. Any advertising that might appear is delivered via external ad servers. Data obtained via online advertising (AdImpressions, AdKlicks) are used exclusively for the purposes of statistical evaluation and to draw up reports for advertisers. No personally-identifiable data are used in this respect. Note that the delivery of advertising may be accompanied by cookies that are outside the control of IBS Technics GmbH.
This website uses Google Analytics, a web-analysis service of Google Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses “cookies”. These are small text files, which are saved to your computer for the purpose of analysing your website usage. The information collected by cookies on your usage of this website is transferred to and saved on a server owned by Google located in the United States of America. If IP-masking is activated on this website, Google will use only a previously-truncated version of your IP-address within the member states of the European Union or signatories to the agreement creating the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases will a full IP address be transferred to a Google server in the USA and truncated there. Google will use this information to evaluate your usage of the website, to draw up reports on website activities for site operators and in order to provide further services relating to website and Internet usage. The IP address obtained from your web browser by Google Analytics will not be linked to any other data held by Google. You can configure your web browser software to block the installation of cookies. However, if you do so, please note that certain functions offered by the website may no longer be fully available. You can also prevent the collection of data generated by the cookie regarding your website usage (including your IP address) and the corresponding transfer to, and processing by, Google. To do so, download and install the corresponding browser plugin ( For further information, please go to or (general information on Google Analytics and data-protection). You are hereby notified that the version of Google Analytics used on this website has been extended with the code “gat._anonymizeIp();” to guarantee IP-masking (i.e. the anonymous collection of IP addresses).